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Gracias, Francisco!

Designed and made costumes for Stonington Opera House Young Horizons production. Attended rehearsals and assisted the young actors with understanding the role costumes play in a production.

Photo by Stonnington Opera House

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Angels in America

Designed and sourced costumes for the production. Facilitated actor training through design presentations as well as fitting tutorials as part of the production. Head costume supervisor working with two student supervisors to foster cross disciplinary learning.

Photo by Philip Merry


Puccini Double Bill

Wardrobe Supervisor throughout production. Ensure costumes were maintained, prepared and that dressing rooms were in order for each show.

Photo by New Zealand School of Music


A Comedy of Errors

Co-Designed & Wardrobe Supervised  the Wellington Summer Shakespeare production of Comedy of Errors. Designed ad sourced looks as well as attended all production meetings and actors fittings. Maintained the
costumes through backstage dressing as well as laundry and repairs.

Photo Curtosey of Wellington Summer Shakespeare

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The Two Gentlemen of Verona

Wardrobe Supervisor. Managed and maintained the
costumes through out the production process as well as acted as backstage dresser. Oversaw laundering and repairs. 

Photo Curtosey of Toi Whakaari

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